4 Signs Your Car Suspension Needs Repair
Keeping up with routine car inspections and repairs is an excellent way to keep major suspension issues at bay. However, suspension problems can creep up on you out of nowhere. This is especially true if your vehicle has many miles on it. But in most cases, major suspension issues will not happen without some sort of warning. Your suspension has many ways of showing potential hitches. But you can keep the repair costs at a minimum by visiting a reputable auto repair shop as soon as you note the defects. Here are the signs your suspension needs repair.
1. A Rough Ride
A rough ride is one of the first signs you may notice if your vehicle suspension is faulty. The suspension is tasked with absorbing the shock caused by road obstacles so that your ride can be smooth and comfortable. If you can feel every bump and dip on the road, or your vehicle bounces a lot when braking and turning, you need to head to an auto repair shop to get your suspension checked.
2. Your Car Is Driving or Pulling In One Direction
Few things can beat the frustration of driving a vehicle that is drifting or pulling in one direction on the road. You may struggle to stay in your lane, exposing you to a sideswipe or rollover accident. This usually means your suspension is failing to keep your car straight and stable on the road. Head to an auto repair shop for professional suspension repair for your safety and comfort.
3. Bounce Test
A faulty suspension affects your car's safety in more ways than one. But there is a test you can use to check if your suspension is in top condition—the bounce test. So what does this test entails? It's simple, you just need to push down one corner of your car and count the number of bounces that occur after releasing it. Generally, your vehicle should only bounce once. If it bounces multiple times, you will want to start thinking about getting your suspension checked.
4. Oily Struts
Examine your struts, do they look oily? If they do, you could be on the verge of a massive suspension issue. Get in touch with an experienced auto repair expert to address the damage and prevent anything worse from happening.
Never ignore the need for suspension repair. Doing so will not just cost you more repair money; it is also risky for your and your family. You should seek suspension repair from an auto repair shop without delay.